How to use the Plastic Free July Habit Tracker
"Get your free Habit Tracker to help you reduce plastic this July"

Beth Noy, the found of Plastic Freedom is often asked about how to begin making plastic free changes.
“For me what helped the most was looking around my house, making a list of all the current plastic items I used and then making a plan for what I could swap them for.”
Which is why Beth created this free downloadable habit tracker to help you in the different areas of your life you want to make plastic free swaps - it will be your new normal before you know it!
- Print as many of these at home whenever you want to reduce plastic in a new area of your life
- Fill out your goal for how to reduce plastic in that area e.g. if you want to reduce the amount of plastic in your skincare routine your goal could be to "Swap one product to something I love and will stick to"
- Whatever area you choose, make a list of all the plastic you notice you currently use in your life
- Over time you can fill in your plastic free wishlist so that when you're ready to make the swap you have the reminder of what you want to swap it to
- Reward yourself with how many items you swap e.g. if you switch one skincare product and stick to it, every new bottle you buy or refill goes as a plastic free save!
- Pop on your fridge so it's handy and easy to keep referring to/adding swaps!

Encourage others to do the same
We don't want this to be something you just keep to yourself. We want you to shout from the roof tops, tell your work colleagues, your friends and followers on social media.
The more people make these small swaps and changes the bigger the impact on the planet.
Be the first one to make the move and trail the blaze in your group of friends and inspire them to do the same.
Beth has gone to great lengths on this project and has create downloadable visuals to go on social media so you can get your friends tracking too!

We hope to inspire our customers, followers and friends to take on Plastic Free July and the Habit Tracker will hopefully remove any stress.
We believe in make small steps and simple swaps. Rather than attempting to remove all plastic from your life in one hit.
We know it's not an easy task, but it doesn't need to leave you full of worry and dread. Going plastic free can feel liberating, exciting and with the Habit Tracker you can clearly see the changes that you are making and the impact you are having on your waste.

The Habit Tracker isn't just for Plastic Free July
This is something you can apply to your life for months to come.
Work room at a time, or lifestyle aspect at a time and enjoy the process. Enjoy finding products you love, enjoy making the process and champion the changes you are making no matter how small.
They all make a difference.